Employment & Internships
Job Title: Managing Editor, Chebacco: The Journal of the Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Year-round, part-time contract position
For a full job description, please click here
The Mount Desert Island Historical Society publishes an annual history journal called Chebacco with
twelve new articles about local history written by volunteer authors and overseen by the Executive
Director and a volunteer editorial board. The journal has won awards for excellence in publication from
the New England Museum Association and the Association for State and Local History. Articles are
written and edited primarily by volunteers, but a professional copy editor and designer are part of the
team, guiding the manuscript through final editing, design, and printing. Occasionally an artist-in-
residence is hired to enhance the edition with original artwork, the Managing Editor would hire and
oversee this position as well. Chebacco has a distribution of approximately 800 copies primarily to over
500 members of the Society, with remaining copies sent to libraries or available for purchase.
The Managing Editor will work with a volunteer editorial board and volunteer authors, a copy editor,
graphic designer, and staff of the Historical Society. This is a contract position that reports to the
Executive Director. The workload varies depending on the production schedule: January through April
is moderate, approximately 20-30 hours a month; May through mid-September there are little to no
hours required, with only occasional check-ins with the authors; October through mid-December the
work is most intense with approximately 30-40 hours a month. The job allows for flexible hours and the
Managing Editor can work remotely.
For a full job description, please click here